If you want to adjust the zoom level for reading emails in the message window, you can do as follows:
#Microsoft outlook 2015 mark email as read download#
You can quickly download these pictures with clicking the warning information between the message header and message body, and selecting Download Pictures from the drop-down list.Īlternatively, you can download all pictures in the opening email by right clicking any placeholder and selecting Download Pictures from the context menu. Sometimes, the pictures are not downloaded and display as placeholders when reading emails in the message window. Notes (1) Pictures displays as placeholders When reading an email in the Reading Pane, you can apply the Read Aloud feature (by clicking Home > Read Aloud) to speak out the message content. When previewing an attachment in the Reading Pane, you can quickly get back to the message by clicking Back to message at the upper-left corner of the Reading Pane. In the attachment bar above the message body, you just need to click the specified attachment to preview in the Reading Pane immediately. If there are attachments in the email, you can quickly preview the attachments in the Reading Pane too. You can quickly download all embedded pictures by clicking the warning information between the message header and body and selecting Download Pictures in the popping out context menu.Īlternatively, you can right click anyone of placeholders, and select Download Pictures from the context menu. That’s because these embedded pictures are not downloaded. Sometimes, when reading emails in the Reading Pane, the embedded pictures display as placeholders. (3) Pictures display as placeholders in the Reading Pane Alternatively, you can change the zoom level by the zoom slider. If you just need to change the zoom level temporarily, please clear the Remember my preference option. When reading emails in the Reading Pane, you can change the zoom level in the Reading Pane as follows: (1) click the percentage beside the Zoom Slider at the bottom-right corner of the Outlook main interface (2) In the Zoom While Reading dialog, please specify the zoom level as you need in the Zoom to section, check the Remember my preference option, and click the OK button.Ībove operation will lock the new zoom level in the Reading Pane and message windows. If the Reading Pane disappears or displays at the bottom, you can click View > Reading Pane > Right to show it on the right hand. By default, the Reading Pane is turned on and displayed on the right hand.